1 |
Physical Constants Table |
Velocity of light, gravitational acceleration, and dielectric constant |
2 |
AC Theory (Electrical) |
Explanation of AC electrical theory |
3 |
Conversion Table of Various Units |
For example, conversion between Centigrade and Fahrenheit, and Bar and Pascal |
4 |
Explosion Limit of Flammable Gases |
Explosion limit concentration of various flammable vapors (gases) |
5 |
Collection of Electromagnetic Equations |
Official Collection of Electromagnetic Theory (Advanced) |
6 |
Collection of Physical Properties Data of Various Gases |
Molecular formula and molecular weight of various gases, density and composition of air |
7 |
Collection of Physical Properties Data of Elements |
Density, melting point, and boiling point (extract) of various substances |
8 |
Flash Point and Combustion Point |
Flash and ignition points of various substances |
9 |
Collection of Physical Properties Data of Various Metals |
Data List of all metals |
10 |
Electric Resistance Data of Metals |
Electrical resistivity of metal and its temperature coefficient (excerpt) |
11 |
Viscosity Data of Fluids |
Viscosity data of gases and liquids |
12 |
Periodic Table |
Detailed period table of elements. Explanation on the Wikipedia link |
13 |
Dielectric Strength Data |
Dielectric breakdown electric field of various electrical insulating materials |
14 |
Data of Air by Altitude |
Atmospheric pressure and temperature data of air by altitude |
15 |
Data on Sun |
Detailed data of the sun and energy balance on the surface |
16 |
Data of Planets |
Detailed data of planets in the solar system |
17 |
Information on Water and Seawater |
Collection of all data on water. |
19 |
List of Various Physical Properties Related to Heat |
Collection of data related to heat of various frequently used substances |
20 |
Data on Color (Chromaticity Diagram) |
Calculation of color temperature from chromaticity x, y etc. |
21 |
Temperature Measurement Using Thermocouples |
Method to measure temperature using thermocouples, and data of K and R thermocouples |
22 |
Emissivity and Absorptance of Various Substances |
Emissivity value for wavelength (excerpt) |
Note: Some of the information on this page have been borrowed from other Websites. Part of the information has been checked and rewritten. The information may be correct, but reliability of the data is not guaranteed. |